2023 NE Ohio PAT/FACT Recertification

Tuesday, January 24, 2023 - 5:00pm to 9:00pm
Trumbull County


Does your Private Pesticide Applicator’s License expire on March 31, 2023?  If so, OSU Extension in Northeast Ohio has planned four pesticide re-certification sessions for producers.  

Each of these sessions will offer 3 credits for pesticide re-certification for CORE and All Categories (1-7). Private Pesticide Applicators are encouraged to choose the session which best fits their schedule. 

Cost: $35/Person

Fertilizer Applicator Re-Certification:

Does your Private or Commercial Fertilizer Applicators Certification expire soon?  A one-hour session will be held after the pesticide session for those who need to renew their Fertilizer Application Certification. 

Cost: $10/Person 

Where: Trumbull County Agricultural and Family Education Center, 520 W. Main Street, Cortland, OH 44410

When: Tuesday, January 24, 2023 

Time: 5:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Register and pay with a credit card for online session at go.osu.edu/zoompat23 .

To register and pay with a check, please print flyer for the event and mail in the registration form and payment. Print flyer here .

Please contact Lee Beers with questions at 330-638-6783 or beers.66@osu.edu